jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

In spite of & Though

La letra con música... ¡Entra!

(La sangre mejor donémosla...)

(Dar clic en los triangulitos-flechitas >>I del reproductor de audio
hasta encontrar la canción)

In spite of these times - Close lobsters

Aaah... Force me back, I can't sleep when
you won't let the moon get you down

And It may sound loud respect
the walls of the world just gave way

It's not like you to be so gone
they fear you picked up that drink from me

From your window I asked the sky
"When can you fit me in?"

/Promise me that you'll never forget in spite of these times/

Aaah... My line in sight of everything
A hand held me from the maelstrom

A warm hand, a sticky hand
held me from the mob

It just like me to get so gone
I don't recall where I picked up that drink from...

From your window I asked the sky
"When can you fit me in?"

/Promise me that you'll never forget in spite of these times/

/Don't let it slip through your hands/

Aaah... Force me back, I can't sleep when
you won't let the moon get you down

And It may sound loud respect
the walls of the world just gave way

Problems and maelstrom
and pestilence and greed

From your window I asked the sky
"When can you fit me in?"

/Promise me that I'd never forget in spite of these times/

//Don't let it slip through your hands//

Don't let it slip through your fingers...



Nota Gramatical:

English Discoveries Online
se queda un poco corto en la explicación de este tema.
Varios estudiantes me han pedido el favor
de que les haga una mayor ilustración al respecto.

Por lo anterior lo amplío aquí:

Though e In spite of son expresiones de uso cotidiano.
las otras son más formales y de menos uso (Alhough y Despite of ).

Se parecen en su significado y uso
pero aquí están las diferencias:


(= Alhough) significa:
Aunque pasó esto o aquello (Hablando de una acción, verbo).

Though it was raining heavily, we finished the game of football.
Though it rained a lot, we enjoyed our vacations.
Even* though he had a strong British accent, we understood most of what he was saying.


In spite of
(=Despite of) significa:
A pesar de esto o aquello (Hablando de un sustantivo
que no esté inmediatamente seguido por un verbo).

In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our vacations.
(También son ejemplo todos los títulos de las anteriores canciones).

Una excepción para In spite of es
cuando va inmediatamente seguido de un verbo terminado en -ing
precedido o no de una negación.

In spite of raining, we went to the beach.
In spite of not raining, we bought an umbrella.


(Con esta palabra se hace más énfasis
y el Aunque se vuelve: Aun cuando...).


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